COVID-19 Safe Outdoor Testing
Test before you travel • Test before you return to school or work!
All tests are available for adults, children and infants, and offer accurate results (1% false negatives). They are performed outdoors by professionally trained staff in PPE. Oxygen saturation, heart rate, and temperature screening included. Tests have minimal wait time and are by appointment only. Telemedicine consultation recommended for symptomatic patients or positive results. Phone screening and physician order included.
For HMO, Medicare, MediCal, CalOptima, no insurance all cash prices apply.
Due to limited appointments, all fees are non-refundable and not covered by insurance. All fees will not be billed to your insurance. Any insurance information collected is used strictly for telemedicine/PCR test for PPO appointments.
- Recommended for screening 2 days after onset of symptoms
- $80 Rapid-Antigen + Flu A & B same day (1 hour results, nasal, one swab)
- Adults, infants, and children
- Same-day results, sent via HIPAA secure text
- Ensures safe return to work or school
- Results are 99.9% accurate, as per recent study data
- IGM/IGG: $70 (1 hour results)
All PCR Tests are not covered by insurance
- $130 PCR Test (99.9% accurate, hour result guaranteed)
- $80 PCR Test (same day results with Telemedicine. Copays + deductibles apply)
- Adults, infants, and children
- Meets travel requirements
- Result sent via HIPPA secure text
- FDA Approved Lab
What is your financial policy?
Due to the limited appointment available, All fees paid are NON REFUNDABLE.
Once you book your appointment, you are aware & understand that it is at the Lab’s discretion to reprocess the specimen, due to an inconclusive result and the test may need to be re-processed, causing a delay receiving test results. There will be no refund if the laboratory needs to re-process the test, to get accurate results.
Re-processing of the tests will typically be delayed 24 hours/ next day. NCMG & OC Rapid test will not be held responsible for any kind of financial loss due to the delay of your test results.
Do you take insurance?
No insurance billing will be done by NCMG for services and testing. Any insurance
information is for nurse visit, specimen collection, and outside lab at no additional cost to the patient.
Where do you test?
*For safety reasons, all samples are collected in our office parking lots.
Our staff, geared with PPE, will perform the test while you are in the car.
When should I get tested?
RAPID ANTIGEN TEST: Exposure: 3-4 days after. Sick: 2 days after onset of symptoms.
You can return to work or school: 14 days after onset of symptoms
PCR TEST: Exposure: 2 days after. Sick: 2 days after onset of symptoms
What kind of test is needed for travel?
The PCR Test is indicated for most international travel within 72 hours. Hawaii travel is excluded, please check their travel requirements.
What should I bring to get tested?
Insurance information or valid SS or US ID Required.
Can I pay cash?
Cash option apply for non-valid US ID or Social Security Number
For any questions please call: 949-644-0970
After booking you will receive an email confirmation. Please
complete the registration required for contact and reporting purposes.