Although most of a child’s organ development occurs while their mother is pregnant, your little one’s body continues to grow and develop throughout childhood. In fact, some systems continue to develop well into adulthood! However, several factors can influence...
Asthma affects people of all ages in the United States, including 4.5 million children under the age of 18. Asthma can develop for a number of reasons, with family history playing a big role. What not everyone realizes, however,...
In the United States alone, approximately 4.5 million children suffer from asthma. The severity of the condition can vary, and whether a child will suffer from the illness in adulthood can depend on a number of factors. Still, it’s...
In the United States, 4.5 million children are living with asthma. Asthma can be a problem throughout the entire year, but it tends to get worse in the winter.To help your child manage asthma in the winter, focus on...
Allergies are a common ailment in people of all ages, especially children. However, recently there has been an increase in the prevalence of allergies, which can lead to various health complications. When allergies cause respiratory issues in children, they...
Exercise-induced asthma, also known as exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB), causes airways to tighten and become inflamed during or after any physical activity, making breathing difficult. EIB is a relatively common condition for people of all ages, although children do seem...
When it comes to your child’s breathing problems, pediatric pulmonologists are the experts. They can prescribe medication, perform procedures to help treat your child’s respiratory condition and work with you to learn how to manage the symptoms of breathing...
Seeing your child struggle to breathe can be incredibly upsetting for a parent. Does your child cough or wheeze after playing? Or are they having trouble breathing at night? In most cases, these are normal or treatable, but sometimes...
Sometimes noisy breathing in children is not a big deal, and it will resolve independently. However, in other cases, noisy breathing may be cause for concern. If the sound of your child’s breathing is worrying you, it’s typically best...
One in every thirteen Americans has asthma. So, there’s a good chance that you, your child, or someone you know has it. In many cases, people with moderate or severe asthma rely on Controllers daily. Long-term controllers help manage...