Although most of a child’s organ development occurs while their mother is pregnant, your little one’s body continues to grow and develop throughout childhood. In fact, some systems continue to develop well into adulthood! However, several factors can influence...
In the United States, there are about 5.5 million children who have asthma, while one in five children has seasonal allergy issues, and 5.5 million have food allergies. These health conditions are challenging at all times, but they can...
Respiratory Syncytial Virus, commonly known as RSV, is a major cause of respiratory illness in children worldwide. While it can affect individuals of any age, its impact is particularly significant in children, especially those under two years old. In...
In the United States, 1 in 12 children has asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Maintaining your child’s health and avoiding respiratory problems can mean close monitoring by a pediatrician and lifestyle changes. Some common...
It likely feels like just seeing the word “hypertension” can increase your blood pressure, especially in relation to your child. Most people know that systemic hypertension can create a host of health issues, but one type of hypertension that...
Your pediatrician is likely the first resource you consult when you want to know about your child’s health. You might ask them about nutrition, feeding, diaper and toilet habits, and growth and development. In order to get the answers...
Bronchiolitis is a common respiratory illness among infants. It affects the lower respiratory tract, particularly the bronchioles, which are small branches of air tubes located in the lungs. This condition usually appears as a result of viral infections like...
Asthma, a chronic lung disease, inflames the airways, making breathing difficult. Asthma affects approximately 5.1 million children in America, making it a leading chronic disease. It is more frequent in male children but generally reverses in adulthood. Data shows...
The Covid-19 pandemic has once again ignited discussions on the effects of vaccines on children. While some parents may see the risk of infections as low and decide to skip the vaccine, other families, states, countries, or even schools...
Exercise-induced asthma, also known as exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB), causes airways to tighten and become inflamed during or after any physical activity, making breathing difficult. EIB is a relatively common condition for people of all ages, although children do seem...